The residual effects of various bioproducts and soil conditioners applied in the organic nursery on apple tree performance in the period of two years after transplanting
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Research Institute of Horticulture, Department of Pomology, Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(3):109-113
The carry-over effects of bioproducts and soil conditioners used in the nursery production on the growth and fruiting of young apple trees of two scab-resistant cultivars ‘Topaz’ and ‘Ariwa’ grown in a commercial orchard were studied. The trees were planted in the spring 2013 and for two consecutive years were not fertilized. In both years a trunk cross-sectional area, the number of shoots and their total length were measured. Total yield and mean fruit weight were recorded in the second year after tree transplanting. Organic fertilizers and soil conditioners such as Micosat, BF Quality, BF Amin and Vinassa used in the nursery resulted in intense growth of cv ‘Topaz’ shoots. For this cultivar, the type of fertilizers used in the nursery had no effect on fruit yield, but such products as Tytanit and BF Quality increased the mean fruit weight in comparison with other compounds used. In the case of cv ‘Ariwa’, products such as Humus Active + Aktywit PM, BF Quality, BF Amin, Vinassa and Tytanit intensified tree growth in the orchard. There was a marked increase in the yield from the trees treated in the nursery with Humus Active + Aktywit PM. Also, the average weight of fruit was affected by BF Amin, Vinassa and Tytanit use in the nursery.
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