The state of phytocenoses in Nature 2000 area - the valley of middle Warta River and its landscape attractiveness in the context of close neighbourhood of Koźmin exposure
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Katedra Łąkarstwa i Krajobrazu Przyrodniczego, ul. Dojazd 11, 60-632 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(3):244-248
The aim of the research was to assess natural and landscape values of plant communities located in the area of an interembankment zone of Warta River nearby Koło which, inter alia, decided of the landscape attractiveness of Nature 2000 area - the valley of middle Warta River. Natural values were assessed on the basis of selected plant communities and their phytosociological structure, the richness of species and the frequency of their appearance, the structure of life forms, a geographical and historical spectrum, Shannon-Wiener’s index of floristic diversity and the presence of endangered species. The assessment of the communities was conducted with a phytoindicative method; landscape attractiveness was valorised with Mahon’s and Miller’s method and presented on a map prepared with Autocad 2012 in the scale of 1:25 000. Landscape attractiveness of Nature 2000 area - the valley of middle Warta River in the inter-embankment zone between Koło and Kozubów is shaped by the diversity of geomorphology and local habitats, both of which facilitate the appearance of numerous communities, as well as by plant cover, which is considerably natural, the appearance of endangered species, the domination of native species. Therefore, it holds significant and even unique natural values. Majority of the area is rich in significant and very significant natural values.
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