The studies on biological activity of bacterial preparations during their storage under different conditions
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Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego ul. Rakowiecka 36, 02-532 Warszawa, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(4):25-28
Application value of the preparations, employed in agriculture is connected not only with the contained therein strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) but also with the technological properties, determining the possibilities of utilizing the discussed preparations in a commercial form. The aim of the studies was to determine the effect of the storage conditions of the preparations of the selected strain of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus on their biological activity during 12 months. Within the frames of the implementation of the work, the effect of the method of drying (fluidization drying or lyophilisation), the employed packaging (vacuum packing or storage in the air atmosphere) and temperature (room temperature - ca 25°C or refrigerated conditions: 10-12°C) in survivability of bacteria was determined. After 12 months of conducting the experiment, significant differences in the run of the changes in survivability were found. It refers to the tested methods as well as to the conditions of storage. Irrespectively of the employed conditions of the process, the preparations obtained with the application of fluidization drying were characterized by a lower survivability of bacteria as compared to the preparations obtained by lyophilisation. The survivability of bacteria in lyophilisates, depending on the storage temperature, varied from ca. 23% to 60% after 12 months whereas in the preparations dried by fluidization method, it amounted to 0.05-3.1%.
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