The use of the production capacity of means of transport depending on the farm owner's age
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University of Agriculture in Krakow, Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Informatics, ul. Balicka 116B, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(2):46-49
The presented results of research on the availability of means of transport both in terms of pieces per farm and the total payload (the sum of tons per farm) shows a decreasing trend with the growing age of the farmer. The number of farms which have loading and unloading devices with the growing age of the farmer show a clear increasing trend. In the group of tractors, with an annual average use of the production capacity of 5.27% with the growing age of the farmer, there is clear decrease in use. The use of the production capacity of trailers (the basic means of transport) shows a decrease with the growing age of the farmer. The aforementioned facts may suggest that the youngest farmers attach must more importance to the improvement in the use - the organization of the operation of technical means of production. An analysis of the use of the production capacity of tractors in the context of their power (usable groups) shows an increase in the use with an increase in the tractor power. Also, the indices of the use of the production capacity for trailers show advantageous values together with an increase in the payload capacity of trailers.
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