Theoretical analysis of the irrigation of soils with various structures
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Opole University of Technology, Department of Thermal Engineering and Industrial Facilities
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(4):15-22
This paper reports the results of research into water flow in three various soil types. Soil data were obtained on the basis of a classification by Wösten and van Genuchten [38]. The mathematical model of water flow in soil was formulated using Richards’ equation. The data for hydraulic conductivity and suction pressure of unsaturated soil were obtained using the van Genuchten model. The method of finite difference and an original calculation program were applied to solve equations. The time of water transfer through soil and depth of groundwater enabling water transport to root-zone were studied. These phenomena were examined for different boundary conditions. The unsteady character of irrigation process was analyzed. Water flow in soil following short-term and intense precipitation was one of analyzed problems.
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