Traction properties of suspension systems of farm tractors
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Department of Agricultural and Forest Machinery, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Informatics, University of Agriculture in Kraków, Poland
Belorussian State Agrarian Technical University, Minsk, Belarus
Belorussian National Technical University, Republic of Belarus
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):70-73
Presently, great attention is paid to development of new types of suspension systems of farm tractors and mobile machines which have a decreased unit pressure on soil. Their traction properties must be taken into consideration when values of suspension systems parameters are determined. The coefficient of operation performance was assumed as a criterion defining this property. The article presents an analysis of component relations of the coefficient of operation performance with the suspension system parameters. Relations between resistance and soil deformation, used by many authors were applied for calculation of the rolling resistance. It was proved that the rolling resistance of the driving source decreases when the number of support wheels increases. In order to reduce deformation of soil under the towing power it is recommended to use a tyre tread, which ensures sufficient adhesion to soil, not as a result of shearing soil with a tread, but as a result of tread friction on soil.
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