Tractors and agricultural machinery market in Ukraine in the years 2010-2016
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Warsaw School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Production Engineering, Department of Production Organisation and Engineering ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warszawa, Poland
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroyiv Oborony St., 15 Kiev, Ukraine
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(1):108-111
The paper presents the results of analyses concerning the purchase of tractors and selected agricultural machines in Ukraine. In the analysed period, the decline in demand for mechanisation means in this country dominated. A significant increase in purchases was not observed until 2016. In the quantitative structure of purchases made by Ukrainian agricultural companies, agricultural tractors, cultivators and seeders have the largest share. A strong correlation was found between the number of machinery purchased and the income of the companies. On the other hand, the relation between the number of purchased tractors, combine harvesters and seeders per 100 agricultural enterprises, 10 000 ha of UAA (sown area) and 1000 machines used in enterprises and the average UAA of an average agricultural enterprise in Ukraine is poor.
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