Persistence and nutritive value of grasses varieties and legumes mixtures selected for mowing utilisation in organic farming
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):172-178
The study was conducted in years 2006-2011 in ZDITP in Falenty on permanent meadow on organic soil. The experiment in randomized blocks with four replications was designed, on plots with an area of 15 m2. Designed for mowing utilization in organic farming mixture (the model) was evaluated on the background of commercial mixtures and controls (simplified) and indicator species Dactylis glomerata variety Bara. Fertilisation: P2O5 - 50 kg/ha in spring; K2O - 60 kg/ha (per 30 kg in spring and in summer) was applied. Meadow sward was cut 3 times. The changes in botanical composition (estimation method), sward height on mowing, dry matter yield and its quality were evaluated (by NIRS method and Filipek method, 1973). After 5 years of mowing utilization the species sown in mixtures: Trifolium hybridum L. Ermo and Trifolium pretense L. Parada, and Agrostis gigantea Roth and Phleum pratense L from commercial mixture dropped out. Hovever variety Skala in model mixture was present. It was present also Festuca arundinacea Schreb. variety Terros and Poa pratensis L. Skiz. Appeared new species: Poa trivialis L. and Holcus lanatus L., Trifolium repens, Carex sp., herbs and weeds (mainly Ranunculus repens L. and Rumex acetosa L.). In the fifth year of utilization a nutritive value decreased to poor (Lwu below 6) on all objects, although in earlier years it was very good and good. According to the assessment by NIRS method the nutritive value of the first cut sward of all the mixes in 2009-2011 was average: from 12.3% of protein, 27-29% of crude fiber. In all the years the content of fiber fractions NDF was higher in the sward of model mixture, and lower in the commercial mixture, also the content of soluble sugars was higher in the sward of commercial mixture. The highest average yields of DM gave a model mixture (8.18 t ha), slightly lower simplified mixture (8.12 t) and commercial (8.02 t) and the lowest (7.96 t ha) Dactylis glomerata variety Bara in pure seeding. Model mixture, designed to habitat type and method of utilization, yielded better for 3-4 years, in the fifth and the sixth year of utilization the differences between the mixtures almost disappeared. But in the last years a big role was played by not sown in the mixture species Trifolium repens that contributed to the increase in protein content in the sward. Experiment has confirmed that the water conditions are crucial for the sustainability of meadow and also the yielding and nutritive value. Influence of the composition of the sown mixture is more evident at optimal water conditions, after 3-4 years, the differences disappear.
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