Persistence of grasses varieties and legumes mixtures selected for use grazing in organic farming
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Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Falentach Al. Hrabska, Falenty, 05-090 Raszyn
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(3):229-234
Studies were carried out in the years 2006-2010 in the Experimental Farm of the ITP in Biebrza on permanent meadow situated
on mud-peat-muck organic soil. Experiments were set up in a random block system in four repetitions on 15 m2 plots. A
mixture (the so-called model mixture P1) designed for pasture use in an organic farm was compared with the purchased mixture
P2, control (simplified) mixture P3 and an indicator species Lolium perenne L. 4n Barista (P4). Experiment was fertilized
with 50 kg P2O5/ha in spring and with 60 kg K2O/ha (30 kg in spring and summer). Sward was mown 5 times. Botanical composition
was analysed with the approximate method, sward height was measured on the day of mowing, dry weight yield and
its quality was analysed with the method of Filipek (1973). Trifolium repens L. Astra and Riesling, Festuca pratensis Huds.
Skra and Agrostis gigantea Roth Mieta sown in mixtures disappeared after 5 years of simulated pasture use. The smallest
changes were observed in P1 mixture and the greatest – in the sward of P4 variant (Lolium perenne L. Baristra). Poa pratensis
L. Skiz, Phleum pratense L. Skala and Festuca rubra L. Atra appeared most persistent among sown species. Most important
from among unsown grasses were Poa pratensis L. and Poa annua L. and from among weeds - a stoloniferous Ranunculus repens
L. more tolerant of excessive moisture. Mixtures grew best in the summer period (the 3rd and 4th cut) without significant
differences between mixtures. Sward height depended more on moisture conditions and cuts than on mixture types, especially
in subsequent years of grassland use. Total yields of particular mixtures were similar (from 18.69 to 20.76 t/ha); slightly larger
for simplified (P3) and model (P1) and smallest for P4 variant (Lolium perenne L. Baristra) in pure sowing due to the highest
soil degradation. A greater differentiation of yields was found among cuts and years with the most important effect of thermal
and moisture conditions. Fodder value measured with the number of utility value was very good and good with the exception of
P4 sward (Lolium perenne L.) which, due to a strong degradation in the last study year was mean (Lwu 5.92). Sward of the
model mixture P1 was of very good quality (Lwu 8.0-9.0) during the whole study period which was a result of minor changes in
its botanical composition. Observed changes evidence diminishing differences resulting from the composition of sown mixtures
and the development of communities floristically adapted to habitat conditions. However, proper selection of species and their
varieties for mixtures may slow down this process.
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