Initiated lactic acid fermentation of cucumbers from organic farm by application of selected starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):31-36
The quality of fermented vegetables, obtained by natural lactic acid fermentation is dependent on the bacteria in the raw material. Vegetables from both organic and conventional production are infected with varying degrees of unwanted microorganisms in the process of fermentation (bacteria of the genus Enterobacteriaceae, molds). The use of selected starter cultures, compared with spontaneous fermentation, should provide the proper development of microflora responsible for fermentation and sensory characteristics and ensure a constant quality. The aim of this work was to develop a starter culture consisting of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains selected from endogenously occurring in organic cucumbers. Microflora, naturally occurring on cucumbers from organic and conventional farming, was compared. Spontaneously fermented cucumbers were the source of LAB strains from which after biotechnological characterization starter culture was composed. Bacteria with high antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria of the species E. coli, Salmonella sp, and against yeasts of the genus Geotrichum candidum were selected for use in starter culture. Selected strains were used to initiate the lactic acid fermentation of organic farming cucumbers. The effects of the LAB strains used as a starter cultures was evaluated in terms of microbiological and sensory quality after 7 days of fermentation. Developed starter culture allows to obtain fermented cucumbers with palatability equal to proper quality of spontaneously fermented products while ensuring the microbiological safety. It is advantageous to use autochthonous bacteria in starter cultures in order to preserve the natural flavor characteristics typical for traditional product.
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