Use of sugar beet leaves for biogas production
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University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Production and Power Engineering, Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Computer Science, ul. Balicka 116B, 30-149 Krakow, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(4):151-155
The aim of this work was to undertake a study to determine the amount of biogas emitted from fractions prepared from sugar beet leaves. Four types of combinations of batch mass were subjected to analysis. Tests were conducted over a period of 30 days. Measurements were taken twice a day, at the same time, from the moment of placing the batch into fermenters until the end of fermentation. In this study, samples were mixed, thus affecting the intensity of fermentation in the entire volume. The study showed that shredded ensiled leaves ferment best. Biogas obtained in this way can be used as an alternative source of energy, and therefore it is possible to minimize waste generated from agricultural production.
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