Meat using of sheeps in organic farm conditions
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(4):193-197
Silesian Region is one of the most contaminated in Europe, here is still concentrated almost 20-25% of national emission of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and dust. EU standards and limits of dust suspended in the air are exceeded three times. Therefore southern region, called "green lungs of Silesia" with the picturesque Beskidy requires special protection including the deliberate action to improve the quality of life and safety of residents. That is why in National Research Institute of Animal Production Experimental Station in Grodziec Śląski the organic farm was organized to prevent the introduction of chemical substances as fertilizers or plant protection products aggressive for environment into soil and ground water, by conducting natural system of cultivation and plant care. Organic farms are essential element of sustainable economic development and sheep farming the most environmentally friendly area of agricultural production in conditions of upland and highland. It stems from the conclusion that the economic presence of sheep is reasonable in organic farm like natural biocoenosis. The aim of the research was: 1. To develop technology of farmland using, to determine the most beneficial sheep stocking in organic farm, to evaluate parametrically the characteristics of fattening for slaughter and meat quality of lambs of black-faced breed and its hybrids (foothills sheep, polish mountain sheep, meat line) born and kept in organic farm. 2. Choice of races useful and effectives in organic breeding of sheep for meat. 3. Indication of the importance of the values of lamb meat from culinary and health point of view and opportunities of growth of its supply on the market. Obtained preliminary studies results indicate a protein deficiency in feeds produced in organic farm, also in cereal-podded mixtures, which yielding is treacherous in discussed region, what probably has an influence on lower lambs body weight gains. Problem of organic growing is also weeding which lower the yield and has a negative influence on food value and feeding effects. In the research the positive influence of grazing on pasture using and stocking was proven. It was also showed on fattening and slaughter traits usefulness of black-faced breed and meat line in extensive lamb finishing. It was stated that in lambs leg muscles it was higher collagen and hydroxyproline level comparing to their level in steak muscles. Organic farming still confronts new challenges for farmers. Traditional ways of feed productions carry, in addition to the humanitarian message, also many unforeseen problems to be met. These are lower yield and purity of cultivation what affect animal production results.
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