The aim of the study was to conduct evaluation of the Phalaridetum arundinaceae typicum and its subassociations,
comprising an analysis of flora and assessment of the current condition of vegetation cover in reed canarygrass meadows in
the Noteć valley in the Radolinek-Czarnków-Wieleń section. In the years 2010-2012 phytosociologial and habitat analyses
were carried out in wetlands, with varied moisture and trophic conditions. These analyses included assessment of vegetation
cover diversity, botanical, phytosociological and floristic structure of use groups, vegetation synanthropy rates,
determination of dynamic species trends, biological spectrum and frequency of species. Moreover, habitat conditions were
determined and use valuation was performed. Analyses showed that the directions of changes in flora in the investigated
area were dependent on moisture conditions, fertility and soil reaction. These factors had a significant effect on trophic
conditions and determined species composition of flora and its diversity.
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