Ways to improve energy efficiency by reducing fuel consumption
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Przemysłowy Instytutu Maszyn Rolniczych, ul. Starołęcka 31, 60-963 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(1):40-43
This article presents in a synthetic way the energy efficiency in agriculture. A special role has been given to fuel use in agriculture. Basing on a Swiss analysis about one third of the total energy consumption needed in agriculture has to be spent only for fuel. There are some ways that can be used to reduce the amount of fuel used during work operations. These methods typically are used during traveling and working in the field. Article presents the most common solutions used in agriculture: keeping the engine in good condition, reducing engine speed, reducing the wheels slip, optimizing machine and implement settings, efficient work in transport, working depth adjustment, proper engine speed, the correct driving technique, ballast loading adjustment, tyre pressure and engine speed adjustment, eco-driving.
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Training handbook_fuel saving methods; Merle S., Lopez A., Ellis D., Handler F., Radniecki J., Gościańska J. ed al.: European Farmers and Foresters Involved for Contributing to an Intelligent Energy Network towards target of 20% reduction in fuel consumption (Efficient 20). Projekt finansowany ze środków Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, w ramach programu Intelligent Energy Europe, 2007-2013.
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