The plant production size and work inputs in ecological farms in south Poland
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, Instytut Inżynierii Rolniczej i Informatyki ul. Balicka 116 B, 30-149 Kraków
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(4):44-48
The objective of the paper was to carry out an assessment of the plant production size in the aspect of the incurred work inputs
on this production in ecological farms. The scope of the paper covered research carried out in 50 ecological farms
with certificate, located in the Southern Poland. The yield in the researched farms was considerably lower than plant yield
obtained in conventional farms. Average yield for grains was 3.0 t*ha-1, for root crops it was only 15.7 t*ha-1 and for vegetables
17.6 t*ha-1.In the investigated farms the plant production size was at the average level of 30.8 GU*ha-1. Whereas, the
level of work inputs incurred on this production is respectively 30.8 man-hour*ha-1 of grains, 206.1 man-hour*ha-1of root
crops (potatoes) and 49.7 man-hour*ha-1of vegetables.
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