The visualization of heat flow in a rock bed by using TAO Framework technology
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(2):48-50
One of many essential factors, determining right understanding of conducted experiment, that its nature is complex and spacious, it is its visualization on the basis of experimental data or as a result ofcomputer simulation implementation on the basis of an empirical system model. From this it follows, that at the present time the visualization technologies perform one of the best method of large dataset interpretation, because they show the data in this way, that they let us to form conclusions fast and correctly, concerning a studied system. In this article, the authors have checked one of the newest information technology, allowing various graphical representation of data like Tao Framework. Authors have determined also the use-fulness this technology in visualization of heat flow, occurring during hold mode of a rock bed.
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News The Tao Framework [online]. Tao Framework [dostęp 2.11.08]. Dostępny w Internecie: http://www.taoframework.com.
The FFMpeg [online]. The FFMpeg [dostęp 2.11.08]. Dostępny w Internecie: http.7/ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu.
CsGL - C# graphics library [online]. The C# Graphics Library [dostęp 2.11.08]. Dostępny w Internecie: http://csgl.sourceforge.net/in....
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