The aim of this study was to determine the impact of three, available in the market, depressants for diesel fuel, on the dynamic viscosity of crude sunflower oil (OS), corn oil (OK) and rape oil (OR). To measured at 20°C volumes of oils, there was added 1% and 5% [v/v] of depressants. After thorough mixing, the viscosity curves as a function of temperature in the range of 5-55 ° C for each of the test cases was determined. The measurement was performed on a rotating viscometer RC1 CS with measurement system CC48 that complies with standard ISO 3219. It was demonstrated that in the case of sunflower oil addition 5% [v/v] of depressant caused 20% reduction of dynamic viscosity. Based on the statistical analysis it was found that result due to the presence of depressant increases with its participation and the temperature decrease.
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