Impact of the addition of sewage sludge, communal compost and effective microorganisms on selected properties of the arable-humus level of mineral soil. Part 1. Physical and water properties
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):186-189
The paper presents results of investigations aiming at the determination of the effect of different doses of compost and communal sludge as well as EM-A microbiological inoculums on selected physical and water properties of the arable-humus level of grey-brown podzolic soil. The experiment was established in controlled laboratory conditions. The experimental design comprised treatments with two additions of compost and sewage sludge corresponding to agrotechnical and reclamation doses. The dose of the applied EM-A corresponded to spraying in the amount of 100 l/ha. The following properties were ascertained: texture, solid phase density, natural and hygroscopic moisture content, maximal hygroscopic capacity, soil density, porosity, filtration coefficient, water capacities at definite binding potentials and drainage porosity. It was found, among others, that soil density reduction and increased total porosity associated with it occurred only after the application of high (reclamation) doses of compost and sewage sludge and the addition of EM-A preparations failed to stimulate such changes. The addition of EM-A to soil resulted in a significant increase of its natural moisture content but it did not cause any increase in the value of this property when the soil was also supplemented with compost and sewage sludge. Furthermore, it led to increased moisture content at field water capacity in the case of each combination. Useful retention increased evidently after the addition of EM-A to the zero sample. In the remaining cases, its values varied and were irregular. All the applied additives reduced significantly the filtration coefficient. The applied additives - irrespective of the applied quantities - considerably affected variations in physical and water properties, although these variations were small. Therefore, the application of EM-A as an additional factor in soils fertilized with composts and communal sewage sludge does not seem justified.
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