Impact of the addition of sewage sludge, communal compost and effective microorganisms on selected properties of the arablehumus humus level of mineral soil. Part II. Structure state
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):87-90
The study presents research results the aim of which was to assess the impact of the addition of sludge and communal compost as well as of inoculums of effective microorganisms (in the form of EM-A solution) on structural parameters of the arable-humus level of mineral soil. An incubation experiment consisting of 10 combinations was established and after 9 months of incubation, 50 models of soil aggregates (V = 1 cm3) were cut out from each combination. The following parameters were determined: dynamic and static water resistance, the state of secondary aggregation after dynamic and static water action, capillary capacity and the mechanical resistance of aggregates to compression. The application of the applied additives resulted in improvement of the majority of the evaluated properties. The impact of the reclamation dose of the applied sewage sludge on static water resistance and the state of secondary aggregation was particularly noticeable. It was further observed that the employment of the applied additives (in the majority of cases) led to the increase of both minimal and maximal water capillary capacity. On the other hand, no significant improvement in compression resistance was observed. The presented results corroborate the opinion found in the literature on the subject concerning a very varied impact on the examined properties of organic additives depending on their types, applied doses, time of application as well as soil properties. Therefore, it seems justified to continue the initiated investigations taking into consideration the abovementioned factors.
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