Influence of effective microorganisms addition (EM) on composting process and gaseous emission intensity
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):49-54
During last few years a significant development of modern technologies of wastes management has been observed in developed countries. Waste composting becomes one of more preferable technologies. In this paper the comparison of the composting process run of sewage sludge mixed with biowaste with and without addition of Effective Microorganisms was described. It was shown that in both matures an intense thermophilic phase occurred, however it was more intensive in case of composting without addition of EM. Also microbiological activity measured by CO2 emission was higher in mixture without EM addition. The nitrogen losses as a result of ammonia emission were 0,04% lower in case of mixture with addition of EM.
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biuletyn EM-World Polska http://em-world.nazwa.pl/stron....
materiały Ośrodka Doradczego Technologii EM w Poznaniu http://livingplanet.pl/newsdes... sk_id=40&osCsid=a72ec0c4b7c0ae9b 1 f76c345db258fó1.
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