The paper presents the results of the investigations of densification process of the plant wastes mixture of oat bran and potato pulp. The preliminary investigations of densification oat bran were conducted on the SS-3 stand, with an “open densification chamber-densification piston” working system, using the open chamber of diameter 8 mm and length lo=47 mm. The proper investigations of densification process were conducted in the working system of a P-300 pellet mill with the ‘flat matrix–densification rolls’ tool-in-use system. The tests determined the energy consumption of the pelletisation process and the quality (density and kinetic durability) of the obtained pellets. The kinetic durability of the pellets obtained in the working system of the pelletizer was determined with the Holmen’s method in accordance with Polish Standard. The results of the conducted investigations affirmed that the addition of potato pulp to oat bran had caused the growth of the susceptibility of the mixture and the lowering of the energy consumption of the pelletizer. The approx 20% addition of the potato pulp let on obtainment of the high quality pellets which is making up the balanced solid fuel.
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