Impact of effective microoganisms on selected physical and aqueous properties and the structure state of the arable-humus horizon of mineral soils at varying content of organic matter in them. Part I. Physical and aqueous properties
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):179-183
The paper presents results of investigations testing the influence of different doses of the microbiological inoculum of effective microorganisms (EM) on basic physical and aqueous properties of arable-humus horizons of mineral soils of varying texture and at varying content of organic matter in them. Soil material was collected from two arable soils (Phaeozems and Luvisoils). Pot experiments were established. The organic material was added in the form of muck and 3 doses of EM-A were applied. The determinations comprised, among others: texture composition, soil density, density of solid phase, total and drainage porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil water-binding potentials and useful potential and effective retention. It was found that different EM-A doses exerted a different impact on soils of varying levels of organic matter and texture. Traits which underwent positive changes included, among others, soil density and porosity as well as water permeability. The impact of EM-A on water capacities and retention capabilities was negligible.
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