Impact of effective microorganisms on selected physical and aqueous properties and the structure state of the arable-humus horizon of mineral soils at varying content of organic matter in them. Part II. Structure state
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):83-87
The objective of the performed experiment was to find the answer to the question concerning how the introduction of selected microorganisms (EM-A preparation) would affect structure-forming parameters of arable-humus horizons of two arable soils at different content of organic matter found in them. Following a 9-month long period of incubation in strictly controlled conditions, fifty models of soil aggregates of 1 cm3 volume each were cut out from each experimental combination. Principal physical properties (density, porosity) as well as parameters characterizing soil structure such as: dynamic and static water resistance, secondary aggregation following dynamic and static action of water, capillary capacity of aggregates and their resistance to compression were determined in aggregates. The applied inoculant was found to improve both dynamic and static water resistance and contributed to the increase of secondary aggregates. Improvement of minimal and maximal capillary water capacity was observed. Despite only small improvements of individual parameters, the sum of their beneficial impacts can, in the final result, cause considerable changes in the arable layer space.
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