The influence of effective microorganisms and high-molecular polysaccharides on the selected phisical and aqueous properties of the mineral soil's arable-humus horizon
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):118-122
The paper concerns the results of the research which examined the influence of different doses of high-molecular polysaccharides (starch - S and agar - A) as well as effective microorganisms (EM) on the basic physical and aqueous properties of the mineral soil's (specific black earth) arable-humus horizon. The samples of the violated and the intact structures were collected from controlled pot experiment. The marked properties included: grain-size distribution, soil density, solid phase density, the total and the drainage porosity, filtration coefficient, soil's potentials of water binding as well as the potential and the effective useful retention. It was affirmed that the additives affected the changes of most physical and aqueous soil properties. The impact was usually visible yet in most of the cases - minor. The changes were usually positive and improved the potential possibilities of plants' vegetation. However, in some cases (the accessibility of water at high binging potentials) the impact was negative. The conjoined usage of both factors, i.e. A+EM or S+EM appeared to be unjustified.
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