Influence of liquid seaweed extract of ecklonia maxima on winter wheat cv Tonacja
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):44-47
Field trials were conducted during the years 2009-2011 at Institute of Plant Protection in Poznań. The aim of these trials was to determine an influence of seaweed extracts Ecklonia maxima (Kelpak SL) on a growth and development of winter wheat cv Tonacja depending on term and method of application. Trials involved Kelpak SL single application in autumn (BBCH 20) or in spring (BBCH 39) and twice application in the both terms. In the all treatments Kelpak SL was used at the dose 2,0 l/ha. Field experiments were established in 4 replications and in split-plot design. In the trials height of plants, chlorophyll content in flag leaves and quality and quantity parameters of yield were estimated. Results shows different action of seaweed on winter wheat depending on application term and method. Weather conditions strongly influenced Kelpak SL action on wheat plants.
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