Effect of aquagel on the initial development of turfgrasses and their aesthetical value
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(2):36-41
In the literature concerning lawns utilization there is a few data on the possibility of hydro gels using to improve the condition of grasslands lawn. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of super absorbent Aqua-gel P4 on the dynamics of emergence and the aesthetics of lawns. The study involved four commercially available mixtures of grasses, used for all kinds of lawns. Throughout the period of experiment the moderately intensive lawn care cultivation, denominated by name RELAX was carried out. Applied in the cultivation of lawn mixtures, the Aqua-gel P4 both, after 15 and 30 days after sowing, showed highly significant differences in the emergence of grasses without the benefit of hydro gel. However, with coming time, successive equalization of emergence followed between the effects of applied subsoil types. In the years of full cultivation, the addition of hydro gel to the substrate contributed to improving the aesthetic appearance of studied turf grasses. Hydro gel used in the subsoil during the periods of water deficit in the soil attenuated the unfavorable impact of humidity conditions, especially during the periods of drought occurring.
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