Influence of farming intensity on the production effects of dairy farms
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(1):55-58
The aim of this study was to analyze the profitability of milk production on farms in Lublin province, having a favorable habitat conditions for the development of dairy farming. For the purpose of this work the datafrom the questionnaire of dairy farm evaluation in Lublin province were used. These farms were divided intofwe groups according to annual sales of milk. Number of farms amounted to 1656. From among the farms in Lublin province smaller farms with small-scale production from 20 to 50 thousand liters of milk were the most numerous, while multi - goods farms selling over 100 thousand liters of milk a year represent only 4.2% of the total number of farms. In the majority, the farms with a smaller scale of milk production haven' t modern and large barns. However, their technical condition is mostly satisfactory. Standings for the cows in those farms are almost fully utilized which does not create large opportunities for increasing cattle numbers and milk production. Farms belonging to the group with a large-scale of milk production have the dairy barns larger and more modern with a much larger number of posts for the cows. They are characterized by a much greater possibility of enlargement of cattle and milk production, because the use of these places is not optimal. These barns are in good and very good condition.
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