Sewage sludge is created in the process of urban waste water purification. Produced by each sewage sludge plant, sewage sludge is mainly stored in dumpling ground which is unfavourable due to its composition (high content of organic matter) and will be forbidden after 2012. However, the sewage sludge seems to be very good substrate for composting giving (in optimal conditions) valuable organic fertilizer.
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Stachowiak B., Czarnecki Z., Trojanowska K., Gulewicz K.: Komposty i możliwość ich wykorzystania w biologicznej ochronie roślin. Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 2006, Vol. 51(2).
Wolna-Maruwka A., Dach J.: Effect of Type and Proportion of Different Structure-Creating Additions on the Inactivation Rate of Pathogenic Bacteria in Sewage Sludge Composting in a Cybernetic Bioreactor. Archives of Environmental Protection. 2009, Vol. 35 no. 387-11.
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