Effect of composts from wood waste material on the growth and nutritional status of willow Salix alba L.
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(4):143-147
In pot experiments, the growth and nutritional status of willow, Salix alba L. were estimated. The plants were grown on substrates with an addition of composts obtained from production wood waste materials (interior plywood waste, exterior plywood waste, fibreboard waste) and post-use wood waste selected from communal waste storage yard. Composts were mixed with mineral soil (light loamy sand) in 1:3 volumetric proportion. The content of macro- and microcomponents in the studied substrates depended on the type of wood waste from which the compost was prepared. The addition of composts from exterior plywood waste, fibreboard waste or post-use wood waste to mineral soil exerted a stimulating effect on willow growth. The highest values of studied plant features were found after the application of compost made from fibreboard waste to the substrate. The least values were found in plants grown on mineral soil without compost addition. The substrate with an addition of compost from interior plywood waste was characterized by a high content of mineral nitrogen and the highest EC and it did not exert any favourable effect on willow growth. The cultivation of willow on different substrates had only a very small effect on the microcomponent content in the plant shoots and leaves.
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