Effect of biological plant protection products on beneficial insects in organic potatoes crops
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(3):191-194
The Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB) is one of the most imminent pests of potatoes. Modern strategies for controlling this pest in organic farming were developed under field trials in Germany and Poland. In 2004-2009, the experiments have been done with selected insecticides containing the active substances permitted to organic farming, e.g. pyrethrum, neem, Bacillus thuringiensis var. tenebronis, spinosad. The products were applied in different combinations and lapses of time. Treatments with neem and B.t.t significantly reduced the percentage of defoliation due to larval feeding and significantly increased the yield, however spinosad application resulted in higher efficacy and lower cost. Data concerning this subject are published in other papers of authors. The numbers of beneficial insects in 2004-2007 were very low, only ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata, Harmonia axyridis) were the most dominant predators. In 2008 we found a positive effect of biological insecticides. Abundant beneficial insects were found in spinosad treatments 25 days after spraying, whereby in the untreated control only a small amount of mentioned insects appeared. The reason was the foliage loss caused by the CPB larvae feeding in the untreated control which destroyed the living habitat for aphids and their predators.
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