Effect of the rape variety on the functional property of the rapeseed oil as a fuel
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Instytut Transportu Samochodowego ul. Jagiellońska 80, 03-301 Warszawa
Politechnika Warszawska ul. Jachowicza 2/4, 09-402 Płock
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(2):17-20
The article presents the results of studies associated with the verification of hypothesis, containing the assumption about the effect of the rape seed variety on the properties of oil extruded from it, in terms of its usefulness as a fuel to power medium-RPM diesel engines. The study was conducted for two most prevalent varieties with an average oleic canola content, grown in the country. The varieties selected for this purpose were: Bojan and Kama. The tests conducted on the specially designed test bench, for oil pressing, involved the use of Ferment-Duo’s screw press. The values of selected properties, of the rapeseed oil obtained on this stand were determined by a specialist, accredited fuel laboratory, in accordance with applicable standards.
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