Impact of the 'Ekolator' preparation on the some soil properties and chemical composition of soil solutions in the emission zone of the Głogów Copper Foundry
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(4):113-116
The soil solution is the most dynamic part in the three-phase soil system; its there that the majority of chemical reactions takes place. It plays a major role in plant nutrition, elemental circulation and ecosystem contamination. The composition of the soil solution is particularly important in soils subject to strong influence of anthropo-pressure, frequently contaminated. Contaminated soils are exposed to land reclamation processes which involve, primarily, regulation of their reaction and increase of their humus content. One of the preparations used to increase soil humus content is Ekolator ll manufactured by the Agroimpuls Company in Swarzędz on the basis of brown coal (50% v/v) and bio-fabric (50% v/v). According to producer Ekolator II contains: 70-90% of dry mass, 36-55% of organic matter and N (as NH4 + and NO3 -) 200-400, Ca 1500-2000, Mg 500-700 and S-SO4 80-300 mg/dm3. Preparation used in experiment contained 19% of organic C and showed pH (KCl) 7.4-7.5. The objective of the performed investigations was to determine the basic soil properties and chemical composition of soil solutions in soil situated within the zone of emissions from the Głogów Copper Foundry following the application of the above-mentioned preparation. The experiment was established on five different production fields. On each of these fields, two 0.5 ha plots were marked out: a control (non-treated) plot and experimental plot on which the abovementioned preparation (Ekolator ll) in the quantity of 130 t/ha was applied. The preparation was introduced into the soil in April 2005 during ploughing and soil samples for laboratory analysis were collected in the autumn of 2007 after harvest. In the collected profile and surface (composite) samples taken at the depths of 0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm, the following parameters were determined: texture, pH, total content of C, N, S, sorption capacities. In addition, using the negative pressure method, soil solution from "soil paste" was isolated and the concentrations of basic cations and anions such as: Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+, K+, NH4 +, NO3 -, Cl- , PO4 -3, as well as some heavy metals (Cu and Zn ) were determined. According to PTG, from the point of view of their texture, the examined soils belong to silty groups. The inclusion of the Ekolator preparation resulted in the increase of the pH value by about one unit and very distinct increase of organic carbon. Following the application of Ekolator, the soil solution was characterized by higher electrolyte conductivity, increased content of sodium and calcium and decreased concentrations of phosphates, nitrates and such heavy metals as Cu and Zn.
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