The influence of pasteurization process on nutritive value of carrot juices from organic and conventional production
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):133-137
The modern consumer is interested in organic preserves. It is connected with perception of organic production as friendly for human health and environment. Organic food is produced without dangerous contaminants as pesticides and mineral fertilizers. The carrot is a good source of carotenoids. It contains well known beta-carotene and lutein. Additionally carrot contains phenolic acids as: chlorogenic, p-coumaric, or ferulic. The thermal processing of food can negatively impact on nutritive value of preserves. So, it is very important to use vegetables of the highest value to prepare preservers. The aim of the work has been to show impact of cultivation system, variety and preservers method on quality parameters of carrot juice. The results obtained has shown that organic carrot juice contains significantly more vitamin C, lutein and caffeic acid in comparison to conventional one. Carrot juice prepared from Flacoro cultivar has contained significantly more vitamin C, p-coumaric, ferulic and benzic acids in comparison to juice from Perfekcja variety. Pasteurization process has changed significantly nutritive value of examined carrot juices. After pasteurization carrot juice has contained a higher level of dry matter, reducing sugars, organic acids, lutein and caffeic acids and also less total sugars, vitamin C, phenolic acids as: chlorogenic, ferulic and benzoic in comparison to fresh carrot juice.
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