Influence of pasteurization process on bioactive substances content and antioxidant activity of apple pomace from organic and conventional cultivation
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):144-149
Organic food is perceived by the consumers as a high quality food and with guaranteed production safety. Conventional fruits and vegetables can contain pesticides residues and mineral fertilizers, especially nitrates. Health consciousness of modern consumer still increases and market development gives a new possibilities to organic food producers. The organic preserves are the important group of products demanded by the consumers who want to eat in accordance with the organic rules. Eating the organic foods is an integral part of the modern, organic life style. It is mostly caused by the care of own and family health, also by the environment care. Unfortunately food processing causes the reduction of bioactive substances in final product as fruit pomace, juice or jam. Organic raw apples contained more flavonoids, anthocyanins and vitamin C in comparison to conventional ones. Therefore it was supposed that organic preserves could have higher antioxidant properties in comparison to conventional ones. Five apples cultivars: Lobo, Jonagold, Cortland, Boskoop and Idared have been used to prepare the pomaces. Fruits have been collected from one organic and one conventional orchard. The foil owing parameters have been determined in the fresh and pasteurized apple pomace: flavones, total polyphenols, vitamin C content and antioxidant activity. The results obtained show that organic apple pomaces contained more total polyphenols including flavones, more vitamin C and higher antioxidant activity than conventional ones. Pasteurization process influences negatively the bioactive substances content and antioxidative properties of the apple pomace.
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