Influence of the root layer on the content of cadmium and lead in soils and vegetable plants in regions with diverse anthropogenic impact
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):16-20
The dissertation aimed to determine the content of cadmium and lead in vegetables grown in allotments situated in regions with direrse anthropogenic impact as well as to examine the influence of the root layer of these plants (celery, red beet, car-rot) on the content of heavy metals and an enzymatic activity of soils. The research comprised the allotments located in the Upper Silesian region (Bytom, Miasteczko Śląskie, Zabrze) and in the towns in eastern Poland (Lublin, Stalowa Wola, Zamość). The objects of the research were vegetables grown in allotments (celery, red beet and carrot) and soils within and beyond the root layer of these plants. The content of cadmium and lead in the analyzed vegetables depended strictly on plant species and the extent to which the soils were polluted with these metals. Among the analyzed yegetables, the highest amounts of Cd and Pb were accumulated in the celery. The exceedance of the admissible limit for the content of Cd and Pb was observed in the vegetable samples from the Upper Silesian region. A significant influence of the root layer on the favourable changes of the ecochemical condition of the soils was observed only for the allotments situated in the towns of eastern Poland. The lack of the effect of the root layer in the soils in the Upper Silesian region indicates a disturbance in the biological equilibrium in this environment.
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