Impact of mulches on diseases and insects occurrence in organic sweet pepper cultivation
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):122-126
The results of two- year experiments (2007-2008) conducted at Research Institute of Vegetable Crops at Skierniewice are presented. The aim of research was to evaluate the effect of growing method and plots mulching on the diseases and insects occurrence in sweet pepper cultivation. The examined methods were organic and conventional one and mulching with fresh cut red clover or black polypropylene. The control object was not covered. In organic pepper a seven- year crop rotation was applied and in conventional a three-year. In both years of research plants on conventional field suffered from soil borne diseases caused by Fusarium annum, Pythium sp. and Rizoctonia solani. In organic cultivation there were no signs of plant diseases. As a result lower marketable and total yield of fruits was obtained from conventional cultivation as compared to the organic .Mulching with fresh cut red clover and black polypropylene mulch reduced share of fruits with blossom-end-rot (BER). Besides the fresh cut cover decreased Aphids occurrence on plants in both cultivation systems. More infested plants and higher number of insects per plant were found on conventional field.
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