The effect of mulching and drip irrigation on yield of celeriac
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Instytut Ogrodnictwa w Skierniewicach ul. Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(3):244-247
Mulching the soil, is often used in the field production of vegetables, as it creates the right conditions for the growth of soil cultivated species. The aim of the experiment carried out in 2011-2012 was to determine the impact of several types of mulches and drip irrigation on the yield of celeriac. Experiments were conducted on certified organic field of the Institute of Horticulture. In the experiment biodegradable fleece, biodegradable fleece with dried clover, black polypropylene fleece (in 2012, a black polypropylene turned into biodegradable fleece with the addition of dried alfalfa) and fresh clover mulches were used. Plots without cover soil were control for use mulches. The study was conducted in a drip irrigation and without irrigation. In the two years of research the drip irrigation increased marketable yield compared to non-irrigated, by 15.5% in 2011 and about 13.7% in 2012. The highest influence on yield in both years of the study showed a mulch of fresh clover. Marketable yield obtained from plots mulched with red clover was higher in comparison to control plots by about 21% in 2011 and about 18.2% in 2012.The statistical differences between the other mulches not occur. However there was a significant effect of each of the applied mulches on the yield increase in relation to the control treatment. In both years of the study there was no significant interaction between mulching and irrigation applied. Both in 2011 and 2012 share of roots with diameter > 13 cm in the marketable yield was higher on irrigated plots, in comparison to a combination of not irrigated. Increased share of root with diameter > 13 cm in the marketable yield in comparison to the control was also found after the application of each mulch.
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