Effect of pure and mixed sowing on viability of winter oilseed rape in organic farming
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):211-215
The presence of pests is a key factor with respect to the organic growing of winter oil seed rape. The results of monitoring the presence of selected groups of insects and pathogens with respect to different combinations of the experiments are included in paper. Some trials with pure and mixed with Brassica rapa sowing were carried out in field conditions. During vegetation the microbial products based on Trichoderma asperellum and Pythium oligandrum were used in order to eliminate pathogens and increase of the viability of plants. Furthermore the application of bio-pesticide like spinosad and basalt powder was tested towards control of insects. Very high presence of insects was found and significant differences between combinations were not noted. Based on the results, mixed or pure cultivation of oilseed rape with turnip rape cannot be recommended as a method of oilseed rape pest control.
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