The influence of package and freezing system on bioactive compounds content in tomato fruits from organic and conventional production
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SGGW, Wydział Nauk o Żywieniu Człowieka i Konsumpcji, Katedra Żywności Funkcjonalnej, Ekologicznej i Towaroznawstwa. ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warszawa
SGGW, Wydział Rolnictwa i Biologii, Katedra Doświadczalnictwa i Bioinformatyki
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(3):204-208
The freezing of tomato could be a good method for tomato processing as well as using it as fresh fruit in time when tomato
lacks on the market. In the present literature there is no information about freezing process of organic tomato. The aim of
the work was to measure the influence of the farm management, kind of package and tomato cultivar on bioactive compounds
content in frozen tomato fruits. For experiment three standard tomatoes (Mercury, Akord and Rumba) and two
cherry tomatoes (Conchita and Picolino) were used. The fruits were obtained from two organic (certificated) and two
neighboring production farms. After harvest tomato fruits were selected, washed and frozen. Two different kinds of package
were used: plastic bags and vacuum bags. After six month of freezing tomato fruits were freeze-dried and chemical analysis
was made. The content of dry matter (before freeze-drying), total and reducing sugars, acidity, vitamin C, carotenoids and
polyphenols were measured. The obtained results showed that organic tomato contained significantly more dry matter, organic
acids, vitamin C, gallic, chlorogenic acids, total flavonoids, myrycetin, kaempferol, and apigenin compared to conventional
frozen tomato. The conventional frozen tomato contained significantly more total and reducing sugars as well as
quercetin compared to organic ones. The vacuum packed tomato contained significantly more organic acids, vitamin C and
quercetin compared to tomato packed in plastic bags. The fruits packed in normal, plastic bags (not-vacuum) contained
significantly more dry matter, total and reducing sugars, lycopene, phenolic acids and flavonoids (without quercetin).
Among the examined cultivars cherry fruit Conchita cv. had the best nutritive value after freezing and among standard tomato
- Rumba cv
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