The influence of the lavender and lavendine drying method on the plant material quality
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):83-85
The influence of drying conditions of lavender and lavendine on the content of the essential oil acquired individually both from flowers and stalks was examined. The aim of examinations was to determine the optimum drying conditions in order to obtain a raw material of high quality. The herbs were drying for getting fixed mass in natural conditions, in the overshadowed and airy place and in the convection drier in the temperature of 35°C. Essential oils were obtained using the method of the steam distillation at Deryng apparatus, in accordance with the requirements of pharmacopeia. Samples of flowers and stalks were distillated. The highest oil content was observed in flowers of lavendine, in both methods of drying. No statistically significant differences were noticed between tested drying methods. However, the significant differences were observed in the essential oil content in flowers of lavender, depending on drying method. Flowers dried in natural condition were characterized by higher oil content. A similar relation was also observed in the stems of the tested species, with a lower content of essential oil if compared with the flowers. However, there were no differences between the investigated species.
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