Effect of non-chemical preparations application in broad bean protection against harmfulness of broad bean seed beetle (Bruchus rufimanus Boh.) and seed yield
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):124-128
The aim of investigations was determining the effect of broad bean, White Hangdown c.v. protection using non-chemical preparations (Polyversum WP, Bioczos BR and Biosept 33 SL) on harmfulness of broad bean seed beetle and the seed crop yield at full physiological maturity. Obtained results were compared with a standard protection method using chemical preparations. The experiment was conducted in 2010-2011 at Prusy Experimental Station, the property of University of Agriculture in Krakow. The weather conditions during the period of experiment strongly influenced broad bean seed yield, but the factor did not affect the degree of seed injuries due to broad bean seed beetle. The applied protection using nonchemical preparations (Polyversum WP, Bioczos BR and Biosept 33SL) did not affect significantly the seed yield at full maturity or degree of seed injuries caused by broad bean seed beetle. Protection using chemical preparations (Vitavax 200 FS, Decis 2.5 EC, Fastac 100 EC, Penncozeb 80WP) favourably affected the seed yield. The efficacy of these preparations in reducing broad bean seed beetle harmfulness depended on the weather conditions.
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