Influence of time harvest of sweet corn-cobs on mass losses of cutting off kernels
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(3):72-74
There was studied the influence of time harvest of sweet corn-cobs on mass losses of cutting kernels. The field studies were realized on super sweet variety of Basin. The corn-cobs were taken to tests by hand from field for six time every two day by at milky - soft dough stage in I and II decade of September. The kernels were cut off cobs on the classic corn cutter at rotational speed of the cutting head approximately 1600 r.p.m. and linear speed of the cob feeder 0.31 m/s. There was stated the statistically significance influence of term harvest on losses of kernels mass at the level of [alpha] = 0.05. The lowest losses of kernels mass (ca. 15%) were in VI and the largest (ca. 23%) in I term of harvest.
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