The influence of hot water treatment on the incidence of postharvest diseases and quality of apples
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):26-30
The study was conducted in the years 2009-2012 in a certified organic orchard belonging to the Research Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice. Apples of two cultivars `Topaz` and `Pinova` after harvest were dipped in hot water (48-49oC) for 2 min. and stored under normal storage conditions (2oC) for 4 and 6 months. After storage the incidence of storage diseases and quality of apples were estimated. It was found that the main disease affecting apples was bull`s eye rot (Pezicula spp.). The hot water treatment significantly reduced this disease on the apples of both cultivars (efficacy of 75-100% after 4 months of storage). There was no effect of postharvest hot water treatment on the fruit quality (as firmness, total soluble solids and acidity) both after storage and shelf life.
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