The aim of the study conducted at the National Research Institute of Animal Production was to determinate the meat
quality of southern Polish geese from three native conservative flocks in relation to the bird-keeping requirements of an
organic agriculture. The geese populations Lubelska (Lu), Kielecka (Ki) and Podkarpacka (Pd) constituted the
experimental material. The meat from breast and leg muscles of the organic rearing geese were characterized by a very
good water holding capacity (27.59 mg%) as well as a high crude protein content (23.34%) and very low fat content
(2.07%). The meat from native varieties of southern Polish geese, kept according to the requirements of an organic agriculture,
has a good quality, which is satisfactory for both customer and technological expectations.
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Rozporządzenie Komisji (WE) NR 889/2008 z dnia 5 września 2008 r. ustanawiające szczegółowe zasady wdrażania Rozporządzenia Rady (WE) nr 834/2007 w sprawie produkcji ekologicznej i znakowania produktów ekologicznych w odniesieniu do produkcji ekologicznej, znakowania i kontroli.
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