The influence of long-term tillage simplifications on the properties of arable layer in arenosols and luvisols
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(4):22-26
The object of the research were soils in the Karolew Farm, which have been cultivated in crop rotation and tillage simplification system for over 10 years, as well as the neighbouring soils in individual farms, also cultivated in crop rotation, yet traditional tillage system. The main aim of the research was the initial assessment of physical properties and physical and mechanical parameters of soils and soil aggregates in the two tillage systems. The study was conducted on moulded soil aggregates, which had been thickened and formed in strictly controlled conditions of humidity, temperature and compaction. The study proved differences in physical and mechanical properties in soil aggregates of the same soil but under different tillage systems. Aggregates moulded from the soil material which had undergone tillage simplifications showed slightly lower water resistance but better secondary aggregation after both static and dynamic water actions. There were also differences in the water capacity of aggregates: the capillary water capacity of aggregates under a traditional tillage system was lower by about 1-4 % despite longer capillary rise. The ability to swelling of aggregates under simplified tillage system was higher by about 2-9% than the one of aggregates under a traditional tillage system.
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