Effect of the manure and liquid manure application in spring on yield, nutritive value and microbiological quality of silage from meadow sward in conditions of organic farming
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):164-170
The aim of study was to assess the impact of spring fertilization of permanent meadow with solid manure and liquid manure on crop yields, nutritional value of meadow sward and its suitability for ensilage. The fertilization with mineral NPK fertilizers (N-60 kgźha-1, P-30 kgźha-1, K-60 kgźha-1), liquid manure (at doses of 30 and 45 m3 ha) and solid manure (at doses of 25 and 37 t źha-1) were compared. Meadow sward was mowed, dried and ensilaged in big cylindrical bales. In samples of applied fertilizers, soil samples and forage samples (green fodder and silage) the number of yeast, moulds, Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms, the presence of Salmonella sp and probable number of Bacillus cereus were evaluated. In green forage and silage samples the content of nutrients was evaluated. In silage samples the dry matter level, pH value of fresh weight of silage, the share of ammonia, lactic acid content and volatile fatty acids were measured. Manure application, especially in higher doses, caused the increase of green fodder yield and facilitated obtaining a higher nutritive value of green fodder and grass silage. Nevertheless, the sward from meadow fertilized with solid manure was a worse material for ensilage (unfavorable ratio of sugars to protein) than the sward fertilized with liquid manure. Liquid manure of meadow sward let obtain forage with nutritive value similar to the forage from meadow fertilized with mineral fertilizers. Meadow sward fertilization with liquid manure did not worsen the fermentation process. The quality of silage made of sward fertilized with liquid manure was very good.
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