Influence of selected biopreparations on the growth of several species of fusarium in laboratory conditions
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(4):158-161
Preparations based on natural compounds are more and more willingly applied for plant protection because of the need for reducing environmental contamination. In the present study the effect of three biopreparations on the growth of colonies of the five species of the genus Fusarium was investigated. Among the respondents biopreparations following were used: Biochikol 020 PC, Bioczos BR i Biosept 33 SL. Synthetic fungicide Alert 375 was used in addition in order to compare the effectiveness of these biopreparations. Tested measures were added to sterile PDA medium at three different doses recommended in practice, 5-fold higher and 5-fold lower. The diameters of fungal colonies were measured after 4, 7 and 14 days after inoculation by assessing the degree of growth restriction. During the experiment different degrees of growth inhibition of fungi colonies by the tested biopreparations were observed. The possibility of application of biological preparations for plant protection against fungi of the genus Fusarium has been confirmed by laboratory tests.
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