Effect of chosen production and economic factors on development of mountain and lowland grassland-based organic farms in years 2004-2009
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):158-163
Studies performed with the method of steered interview were carried out in 2004-2009, in grassland-based organic farms, in 9 mountain voivodships (małopolskie i podkarpackie) and 32 farms in lowland voivodships (kujawsko-pomorskie, lubuskie, mazowieckie, podlaskie, pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie, wielkopolskie). The mean agricultural area (AA) in the studied farms in 2009 was 46,14 ha, ranging from 3,01 ha to 305,80 ha. On the background of environmental, agricultural and economic characteristic production results (yields, livestock number) and economic data (standard grass margin per ha of AA and per full-time worker) were presented. It was constructed a hypothesis, that in mountain grassland-based organic farms is possible to produce a healthy food environmentally (ecologically) and socially accepted and economically effective. Analyzed factors included the agricultural area (AA), cow stock, milk efficiency, farmers' age and the value of fixed asses in zł/ha AA. Low to medium levels of investment in fixed assets and relatively low level of direct costs of plant and animal production was noted. Incomes from agricultural production in studied mountain farms were medium and low, higher from livestock (cattle and sheep) than from crop production. Gross margin both per ha AA and per person was medium to low compared to all farms of the country. Generally the costs of agriculture activity in examined organic farms were not always compensated by incomes from organic production. It were strongly supported by Polish and UE subsidies. It was stated that in both groups of studied organic grassland-based farms (mountain and low-land) economically effective production of "quality food" is possible - under the condition of the specific level of extra subsidies.
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