Effect of the selected strains from Lactobacillus genus on the limitation of mould and ochratoxin a contamination of silages from meadow sward
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(4):125-129
The aim of the studies, conducted in ecological and traditional farms, was to determine the effect of application of bacterial preparation, consisting of the selected bacterial strains from Lactobacillus genus on the improvement of nutritional value and quality of silages produced from meadow sward, on inhibition of mould development and on lowering of ochratoxin A content during ensiling process. Starter culture of the preparation included the selected lactic acid bacteria strains from the species: Lactobacillus plantarum K KKP 593/p, Lactobacillus plantarum C KKP 788/p and Lactobacillus buchneri KKP 907. The experimental silages from the meadow sward, as prepared in manufacturing conditions with the addition of the examined preparation, were characterized by a very good quality, evaluated according to Flieg-Zimmer, with lactic acid level higher by more than 50% and absence of butyric acid as well as by a high microbiological purity, expressed by thousand times lower CFU of moulds/ 1g of silage. As affected by synergic action of the selected strains of lactic acid bacteria, lowering of ochratoxin A level by ca. 62 - 72% was found, in relation to its content in the meadow sward.
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