Influence of increasing doses of em-a preparation on properties of arable soils. Part I. Physical and aqueous properties
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(3):75-79
The paper presents results of investigations testing the influence of different doses of effective microorganisms (EM-A preparation) on basic physical and aqueous properties of the topsoil-humus horizons of mineral soils of various texture. The soil material used in the described experiment derived from two arable soils (Luvisols and Phaeozems). Apart from samples, three different doses of the EM-A preparation were added. After 10 weeks of incubation, samples of impaired and intact structure were taken in which, among others, the following parameters were determined: texture, soil density as well as the density of solid phase, total and drainage porosity, filtration coefficient, soil water binding potential as well as potential and effective useful retention. It was found that the applied doses of effective microorganisms altered a majority of the analyzed soil properties. Most frequently, the observed impact was favourable and varied depending on the applied doses. With increasing EM-A doses, soil density was found to decrease at a simultaneous increase of total porosity. Also slight advantageous changes were observed in water capacities determined at upper boundaries of water availability for plants.
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